Searching for Older Articles in Biology

Want to search for an older paper in biology? Say a paper written by George H. Denny, the man of Chimes himself? The database BIOSIS Previews indexes the biological literature back to 1926 and covers it to the present.

Click on databases in the left dark grey margin on the Rodgers Library web page. Then click on B then BIOSIS Previews.

Denny George H OR Denny GH in Author
Click on the Search button.

You get
Title: Cholinesterase activity of human leucocytes
Source: SCIENCE Volume: 123 Issue: (3205) Pages: 987-988 Published: 1956

The BIOSIS full text button leads you to a version of the journal Science we don’t have. However if you use the electronic journal list or the online catalog to search for the journal Science , you will find that we get the electronic journal Science for 1956 in the JSTOR database. What luck!

Of course, you can also search for new articles on biological topics.