Clarivate Analytics Web of Science and Publons

If you are a Web of Science user, you may have noticed the addition of a Publons tab near the top of the Web of Science interface. Publons is a platform to track, share, and receive recognition for your peer reviews. The Publons platform integrates into ORCID, which allows you then to populate your ORCID scholarly profile with peer review data. Registration for a Publons account is free and if you have an ORCID, you can register with your ORCID credentials. After creating your Publons profile, peer reviews are added and verified various ways depending on the relationship of the publisher to Publons.  For example, some publishers will send peer-review data directly to Publons in an automated workflow, while other publishers require a manual process such as sending Publons the confirmation e-mail you receive after completing a peer-review.

Here are a couple of Publon profiles from faculty members at The University of Alabama:

The review information displayed on the Publon profile varies by publisher. Some publishers allow the actual text of the review to be publicly displayed such as PLOS One, while others like RSC Advances only allow the Journal title to be displayed. You can browse the individual Publon Journal policies here.

Publons is an interesting platform and one certainly worth exploring more as peer review is an activity generally not visible to the public. As more scholars create Publon profiles, we may even start to see integration into information databases.

ORCID – Get your own Unique Author Identifier

Have you ever tried to find a specific researcher’s scholarship through a database search? Chances are you have run into some challenges such as discovering multiple Researchers with the same name. One potential way to refine your search would be to limit the results to the Researcher’s Institution. But, what if the Researcher has held positions at multiple Institutions? Multiple search queries and further refinement would be necessary.

One solution to this difficulty of locating a specific Researcher is the use of an ORCID unique author identifier. By using a unique identifier for authors, searching for a specific researcher is straightforward and only requires knowing the author’s identifier. However, this will only work if the researcher has registered for an identifier such as ORCID (

Registering for an ORCID identifier is easy and free. Simply register, add your scholarship works, and then use your ORCID identifier. Your ORCID identifier can be used when submitting publications, applying for grants, and on your personal webpages.

The University of Alabama recently became ORCID Institutional members, and so we will have more information about ORCID soon.

However, a few points you may be interested in:

  • Scientific and Engineering databases have already started to add Author Identifiers as a search option (e.g. Web of Science).
  • Several publishers and grant agencies are now requiring an Author Identifier with submission.
  • Importing your scholarship citations and other works into ORCID can be somewhat automated and painless. For example, I was able to export my citations from Google Scholar and then bulk import them into my ORCID Identifier profile.

Here is my ORCID identifier webpage for an example of how your ORCID identifier will appear to the public:

We encourage you to check out ORCID at and get your own unique Author Identifier today!