Millions of books for Learning, Instruction and Research

What is WorldCat? It is a huge database that lists over 179 million records held in over 10,000 libraries worldwide. It includes records that represent 400 languages. The dates of the records covered go as early as 1000 BC to present. WorldCat is updated daily. WorldCat is a powerful tool, and a great time saver for the researchers. One search can look at over 10,000 libraries at once.


What things are listed on WorldCat? Some of the things that are listed are books, film, newspapers, manuscripts, maps, video and audio recordings, microfilm, websites and internet resources.


How do I search WorldCat?  One can search by keyword, title, author or subject. You can further filter results by publication year, language, author or type of publication. The advanced search allows you to search with three different search fields by combining subject, title, author, keyword or ISBN. You can also limit your search to your specific institution’s library. After searching, WorldCat provides a list of resources that match your search query.


From The University of Alabama Libraries’ website

  • Under Research Tools, Click on Databases
  • Click on “W”
  • Select WorldCat. Remote access requires authentication. MyBama Id and Password is required.
  • From there you can perform a basic search or an Advanced Search. The advanced search allows you to limit your search by language, type of item, (book, Internet, article, etc), date of publication etc. If you do not select any item the default search will look at all the items.

Search Results: After all the results for books are shown one can click on the title for a more detailed information about the item.  The results will also indicate if the UA Libraries has an item. If you click on holding library, you will be taken to the catalog of that particular library where you will find more information about the book.

  • Lastly don’t forget about Interlibrary loan. You can Interlibrary Loan items that UA Libraries do not own
  • Click on link Interlibrary Loan from UA libraries website
  • Log in at ILLiad with your Bama ID and password
  • Fill out ILLiad form and click on “submit”

For more questions: Email a Librarian at Rodgers or Reference by Appointment Or call Arian Abdulla 205-348-2108

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