A Wonderful Opportunity

Title A Wonderful Opportunity
Creator Charles E. Ruttan
Date 1917
Format 30 x 40 in
Description Charles E. Ruttan’s “A Wonderful Opportunity” uses bright colors and a detailed account of earnings potential to turn military service into a means of personal enjoyment and professional development. As the young man in a pristine blue naval uniform confidently strides with suitcases in hand, the ravages and dangers of war could not be further from sight. Indeed, without the uniform and warships silhouetted in the background, it could seem as if the man is returning home from college. The poster’s unique color scheme contributes to an almost dreamlike scene in which the darkened ships are surrounded by unusual hues of red, orange, and green. The carefree image above is contrasted by the dense writing below that projects as much as 30 years into the potential recruit’s future, and even anticipates the possibility of payment after injury. While many posters attempt to spur recruitment by appealing to patriotic duty or defense of the innocent, Ruttan’s poster takes a much different approach by framing enlistment verbally as a wise financial decision and visually as a leisurely vacation.
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