Food Control Is a War Measure

Title Food Control Is a War Measure
Creator The Carey Printing Co.
Date 1917
Format 26 x 40 in
Description This informational poster from the United States Food Administration attempts to justify food conservation initiatives taking place at the time in order to support European allies and American fighters overseas. The poster provides a lengthy verbal description of the program objectives, the material needs of European allies, and the U.S.’s past accomplishments in providing needed supplies. WWI is often described as a “total war” because it compelled substantial changes to practically all aspects of life, including food consumption. This poster attempts to persuade audiences that “All needs bend to army requirements,” and that food control measures are in fact a fundamental aspect of military success. Perhaps no poster offers a more elaborate account of the government’s commitment to food regulation; however, given the size and amount of written material, the poster is limited in its ability to gain and maintain audience attention in this visual medium.
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