Food Will Win the War

Title Food Will Win the War
Format 2.75 x 21.25 in
Description Little is known about this poster that resembles a large bumper sticker, but the phrase “food will win the war” was frequently used by the U.S. Food Administration to convince citizens to change their consumption habits to support the war effort. Moreover, the colors and font of the message match some posters created for the agency by Fred G. Cooper. Dozens of posters in this collection ask viewers to consume less, eat specific foods, and donate supplies for fighters overseas. This poster aims to instill the message that food production and consumption are directly connected to military victory. When propaganda posters are viewed individually, it can be difficult for viewers today to appreciate that these texts were often positioned next to each other, or incorporated in ornate displays in merchant windows. It is possible that posters such as these were used in grocery store isles and windows as a quick reminder to citizens to remember the war while shopping.
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