He is Getting Our Country’s Signal

Title He is Getting Our Country’s Signal
Creator American Lithographic Co.
Format 20 x 30 in
Description Once the U.S. officially joined the war in April, 1917, recruitment of volunteers became a top priority in order to amass a sizable military force without the need for a draft. Although many minority organizations eventually embraced the war in hopes of making social, economic, and political gains through public displays of patriotism, the war was much more controversial than these images suggest. This poster for the Navy depicts a young, white sailor holding a signal flag with a golden sky and several billowing ships in the background. The text above playfully connects to the image below by asking the viewer if they are “getting our country’s signal” much like the sailor persuaded to serve in the Navy who is himself signaling by utilizing the “wig-wag” flag system as a means to communicate with other boats.
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