Keep it Coming

Title Keep it Coming
Creator George Illion
Date 1917
Format 21 x 29 in
Description This poster by George Illian for the U.S. Food Administration encourages audiences to support the war by conserving food so that it can be redirected to fighters overseas. Before and after the U.S. officially entered WWI, America was responsible for supplying European allies after food production dropped significantly due to the prolonged and devastating conflict. This poster depicts a long, winding procession of military vehicles on a snowy hill with a single soldier at the bottom directing traffic. The perspective places the viewer at the bottom of the hill many feet behind the soldier, and this distance communicates the precision of a transportation chain so enormous that the trucks cannot fit entirely within the frame. The soldier’s outstretched arm draws the viewer’s attention to the message “KEEP it COMING.” In case there is any confusion on what “it” refers to, Illian painted “food” in white letter on each of the military vehicles. One of Illian’s favorite persuasive strategies was to include the likenesses and quotations of well-known cultural figures, and in this case the artist inserts the words of celebrated General John. J. Pershing reminding viewers of the necessity of feeding “million of women & children behind our lines.”
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