Lend Your Money to Your Government

Title Lend Your Money to Your Government
Creator American Lithographic Co.
Date 1917
Format 36 x 48 in
Description This poster printed by the American Lithographic Co. for the Department of the Treasury attempts to advertise government issued war bonds as a sound financial investment. Many posters promoting the sale of war bonds, especially those directed toward children and the working poor, underscore patriotic duty as a persuasive strategy, but this poster makes no overt verbal or visual appeal to patriotism. One explanation is that this poster is perhaps designed to appeal to the wealthier, more business oriented, members of society, as evidenced by the fine attire of the men and women in the poster. The large poster provides a panoramic view of the Treasury Building in Washington D.C. with the message “Lend Your Money to Your Government” written on the top. Beneath the building lies additional text guaranteeing that the government “will pay you interest every six months.”
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