Ring it Again

Title Ring it Again
Creator Ketterlinus
Date 1917
Format 20 x 30 in
Description Perhaps it should come as no surprise that this poster proudly representing the iconic Liberty Bell was published in Philadelphia. This advertisement for Liberty Loans contains a large illustration of the cracked bell against a blue backdrop with the words “Ring it again” written on the top of the poster in red ink, a reference to the storied ringing of the bell following the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. It is possible that the poster would have carried additional meaning for viewers at the time given that the Bell Telephone Company used a similarly shaped bell for its corporate logo. In keeping with the patriotic overtones, the poster relies heavily on red, white, and blue colors. Purchasing government war bonds was presented to citizens as both a nationalistic imperative, and a wise financial investment, which can be seen in the text at the bottom of the poster stating, “Help Your Country and Yourself.”
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