Food Will Win the War, Wheat is Needed for the Allies

Title Food Will Win the War, Wheat is Needed for the Allies
Creator Charles Edward Chambers
Date 1917
Format 20 x 30 in
Description Like many WWI propaganda posters, this image created in 1917 by Charles Edward Chambers for the United States Food Administration has multiple objectives. The overt aim is to persuade audiences to conserve food for the war effort, a common theme in campaigns orchestrated by the U.S. Food Administration, but a parallel goal is to assimilate migrant populations into American society. The image features a collection of immigrants in vibrant clothing arriving to America on a docking ship. As several immigrants look fondly upon an idealistic, golden New York skyline, a man assists an elderly woman ashore, guiding her with one extended hand, and gently touching a basket of food with the other. Despite the picturesque scene, the poster states that freedom carries with it a price of admission, and that immigrants are, as are all Americans, now responsible for preserving freedom by not consuming wheat and wasting nothing.
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