Our Daddy is Fighting for You

Title Our Daddy is Fighting for You
Creator George Dewey
Date 1917
Format 20 x 30 in
Description George Dewey’s poster deploys a pair of adorable children to guilt audiences into purchasing government war bonds. The rosy-cheeked, blonde-haired, blue-eyed brother and sister draped in patriotic clothing implore the viewer to “back up” their missing father fighting overseas. Feelings of guilt are compounded by the fact that the children report their father left to fight for “You,” and without any caretakers visually present in the image, it is easy to see why audiences might share concern for the children. Regardless of the prospects of becoming fatherless, the children remain unmistakably upbeat. Their optimism is yet another tactic to make the viewer feel uncomfortable enough to purchase war bonds. Propaganda posters strive for message clarity, and Dewey’s poster is a wonderful example of what is possible with only a few colors and a direct message.
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