JavaCity is almost ready to open for customers. There will be a soft opening on Thursday (Aug 22), and JavaCity will be operating on a regular schedule after that time.
The Music Library can now be accessed through the double doors in Java City.
The south stairwells between first and second floors are open and available for use again. All doors into 102 are now open, including the doors into the south hallway that connect JavaCity and the west wing. Computer labs in 104A and 204F are open and available for use. Students will be able to access 204F, and study rooms and workspaces in 200, by taking a sharp turn to the right after exiting the elevator on second floor, and then “Follow the Yellow Brick Road”.
Restrooms are available on 2M, 3, and 4M for the public areas and restrooms on 4th floor are available for library faculty, staff, and invited guests.