Welcome to the re-launch of Cool at Hoole, the blog of the W.S. Hoole Library at The University of Alabama. Each Monday, we will post a new blog entry to keep you up-to-date on the events, adventures, and happenings here at Hoole.
You can visit us on the 2nd level of Mary Harmon Bryant Hall on 500 Hackberry Lane. We are also on social media. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr.
The editor of Cool at Hoole is Dr. Amy Hildreth Chen, who is a Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) Postdoctoral Fellow. Dr. Chen coordinates outreach and research services on behalf of Hoole.
Although Dr. Chen will write in occasionally, posts primarily will be created by the faculty, staff, and students here at the University. Are you a faculty, staff, or student of the University? Or have you researched a project at Hoole? We welcome contributions from anyone who has used our collections. Email Dr. Chen at ahchen@ua.edu to discuss your idea.
The reason we are launching Cool at Hoole on October 1 is that today kicks off American Archives Month.

October is American Archives Month
American Archives Month is a month dedicated to raising awareness of the role archives play in preserving and providing access to the documents that serve as the memory of our nation.
We look forward to participating in Archives Month by sharing with you some of the many treasures from our holdings. In honor of our re-launch of the blog and the 55th anniversary of the founding of NASA, the item featured in today’s post is Rockets and Rocketry: A Picture History (1964) by David Akens. Found in our Alabama Collection, Akens’ book is one of many that document the pivotal role of Huntsville, Alabama in the development of the American space program.