The long-awaited day has finally arrived. After many trials and tribulations, we have at long last released Acumen Digital Library Software open source!!!
This software is light-weight, easy to install (intended for Linux or OSX), easy to use, and it does *not* require munging your XML metadata into some software-specific form. You can load multiple kinds of content into it — finding aids in EAD, images with simple Dublin Core, TEI transcribed documents, audio with XML play lists, any kind of digital content you want with your OWN form of XML metadata.
You can have Acumen index content all together from multiple sites!! Thus this is an option for those wanting to set up state-wide digitization projects — or wanting to move away from CONTENTdm multi-site server software. Just include the base of the web-accessible directories in the configuration file.
The file naming is the key to organization and to delivery. But besides that — you can add, remove, change content at will in the web directory where you put it, and Acumen will automatically update the display during the next round of indexing.
How easy can it get? Acumen. Finally out there free!!!