After a series of very successful ASERL webinars on introductory digital preservation in the spring of 2012, a survey of librarians and archivists indicated that the most important topics for successive webinars centered on metadata selection, extraction, creation and storage as well as planning ahead. Based on this feedback, ASERL is hosting a new series of four 60-minute digital preservation webinars this April to aid librarians, archivists and others in learning practical steps to addressing digital preservation issues. All sessions are free, and further updates can be found here. Each one is approved for one Archival Recertification Credit through the Academy of Certified Archivists!
The first webinar will be presented by Lisa Gregory of the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, and is entitled “Preservation Planning and Overview of PREMIS for Beginners.” Designed to help participants begin formulating a digital preservation plan for their digital collections, the topics to be covered also include first steps for implementation, and a basic introduction to PREMIS, the Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata.
DATE: Tuesday, April 2, 2013, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
Register here!
The second webinar, presented by Chris Dietrich of the National Park Services, is entitled “Forbearing the Digital Dark Age: Capturing Metadata for Digital Objects.” Chris emphasizes the importance of metadata for both discovery and long-term accessibility, and will discuss categories of metadata, standards for different asset types, capture strategies and software tools. The formats addressed include digital photos, documents, audio-video, tabular data, and GIS data.
DATE: Tuesday, April 9, 2013, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
Register here!
The third webinar will focus on the hot topic of “Management of Incoming Born-Digital Special Collections,” and is presented by Gretchen Gueguen from the University of Virginia. She will cover basic techniques and practical suggestions on how to assess a collection, develop a management plan, and set up an accessioning workflow and basic policies. Simple tools, guides and resources will be reviewed as well.
DATE: Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
Register here!
The final webinar covers “Using FITS to Identify File Formats and Extract Metadata” and will be presented by Andrea Goethals of Harvard University. After an introduction to file formats and technical metadata, Andrea will demonstrate the use of the File Information Tool Set (FITS). She will explain what it does, how it differs from other format tools, how to use and customize it, and how Harvard uses this tool. No prior experience with FITS is necessary.
DATE: Tuesday, April 30, 2013, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
Register here!