Further reflections upon the EN 102 instructional sessions

Had the pleasure of observing Ms. Sara Whitver teaching a group of young folks re search strings, key words, Boolean operators, and Scout.  A great deal was packed into about 50 minutes, and the one difference I noted in the session when compared to an earlier observation with Mr. Brett Spencer was that the EN 102 instructor was there.  Mr. Spencer had someone who showed up to take the EN roll, but the instructor was unavoidably out.

In Ms. Whitver’s class, the instructor was there, “driving” the process.  That is, she was there with immediate feedback and comments to direct her students, giving examples how Ms. Whitver’s material applied to things already discussed in the EN class, and brainstorming live with Ms. Whitver as to how to make the entire process more relevant and effective for the students.  Great example of team teaching, and I trust that Ms. Whitver’s examples will be further discussed in the EN class to good effect.

“Begin at the beginning” was again impressed upon me, and the class slowly awakened to taking part and contributing their answers and ideas, because it really was a brainstorming session among everyone in the room–it felt like time well spent.

All I have to say, just wanted to get it down before it got covered up in what is left of my brain.  All good things, gissteve.

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